Interesting facts about Nile River, Africa

Nile River, Africa

The Nile River is the longest river in the world It is about 6670 km long. Leaving Lake Victoria, Africa's largest lake. The rain is very heavy in this area so there are very dense juggetts, these forests contain elephants, lions, rhinoceros, wild buffaloes, deer, stud cows and hippos (hippos), crocodiles and horsemen etc. The area is rated “National Park "

When the river enters Sudan, its speed slows down because the river passes through a large swamp. This swamp is the largest swamp in the world, 700 km long. There is a type of grass papyrus that is ravished all over the swamp. It is so thick and strong that an elephant stands on it, it does not get off and stands straight. The river water runs down the grass He doesn't know where the water is Different witches live by the stork, the bugle and the water The paper is made of the same grass

All the auxiliaries of the river Nile (Auxiliary) The river, from the mountains of Habsha, join it. The river flows from Lake Tana in Habsha and immediately falls into a very deep hud in the form of a waterfall and meets the Nile River at the point of flowing Khartoum Is. After Khartoum, to the Nile River at Atbara. joined by another river named Athabara. It also comes from the Habisha Mountains near Lake Tana.

After Khartoum a few steps in the river Nile (i.e. shields that descend at once) They are almost in places There are large strong and pointed stones in the bottom of the river. They are called the Nile Barriers. Boats and motorized robots cannot pass through these places

At the Egyptian border in Sudan, the Nile flows into the largest lake in the world, Lake Nasser. Aswan is bound here in the place of Aswan. The river stopped from this lock and became a lake The enclosure has canals laid out for irrigation and was made with water from the tunnels and electricity was made from this water. The canals of the Aswan belt are cultivated for 50 miles on both sides of the Nile, and the area is very green, shadab, and populous. That is why Egypt is called the gift of the river Nile, just as in our country the province of Sindh is called the gift of the river Sindh.

The river passing through Cairo falls slowly and slowly into the Mediterranean Sea near Alexandria. The Egyptians created a scale to determine the speed of the river and the state of the water. It was a room by the river. It was called Nelo Meter. It contained river water from the tunnel. This scale would know the temperature, color and state of the water and keep records throughout the year. The record showed whether or not the flood would come and what the effect would be if it did. It will be good for crops or harmful

The ancient people did not know where the Nile River flowed, the last time people lived in its valley for thousands of years. Cultivation continues to be born and disappear, no one has tried to find out where it comes from, which places it passes through.

In the seventeenth century, an effort was made to find out the location of the river, so it was known that the river flowed from Lake Tana, Mugar could not walk on its banks, because it passes through large dangerous mountains and Khids. The sharp water of the river has cut the rocks in such a way that the walls on both sides have turned into a C and no one can pass through these rock walls.

In the eighteenth century, European tourists began to explore the interior of Africa. Richard Burton and John Henning Tin Speck left the east coast of Africa in 1857. The mosquitoes that passed through the difficult roads, forests and mountains caused malaria. Burton became so ill that he could move no further, Mager Speck continued and reached Lake Victoria. According to Speck, the same lake was the mouth of the Nile, recognized by the world. The lake is in Uganda Campla is the capital of Uganda, which is located on the shore of the same lake.

The Nile River is located on the outskirts of Alexandria. His name is in that of Alexander the Great. The third largest city is Khartoum. Khartoum means "Elephant Sound" It is the capital of Sudan.


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